First comic
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The Cast

by Magus Philip

August 13th: Well the new site design seems to be working well... Still don't really know if anyone visits the site or anything (I welcome emails btw... *hint hint*). Anywho, I'm going to be on vacation next week, so I'm hoping to get enough comics done to cover for that. We'll see, I've been kind of in a drought of creativity lately.
August 7th: Greetings! I'm the "friend" Magus mentioned a while back, and this new design is courtesy of me! E-mail me using the link in the right bar of the page if you have any suggestions or find a bug.
JUL Aug 2002
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Comic Creator:
Magus Philip
Mega Mayhem is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.
All games and sprites referenced on this site and used in the comics are the copyrights of their respective companies.
The actual content of this site is copyrighted by Magus Philip, and Jonathan Hyland 2002.